Joanne Diver

Sculpture by Joanne Diver, “Life Bee Inn It”, Arts Rutherglen Sculpture Trail,VIC Australia.

Elsewhere in Bee Condos

Lincoln Best’s Bee Houses

Lincoln Best is a Toronto-based biology graduate student at the Packer Lab at York University (Ontario, Canada). He is surveying native bees of Western Canada in Summer, 2010.

Some of the large ‘houses’ have been set up in the Rouge Valley Park in Toronto and at businesses, farms, ad museums and in the Pollinator Park in Guelph, Ontario; the small ones are being used in urban gardens, parks, for biodiversity surveying, and several research projects. See more at in Summer, 2010.

Rob’s Bumble Bee House

This year with an entrance tube buried underground. Maybe we’ll get a queen! More great stuff on bee houses and pest control at Xerces Society (see also our Resources section for downloadable files & links).

Rob's Bumble Bee House

Bee nesting enclosures at the Botanical Institute of the University of Zürich

(photos courtesy James D. Thomson)




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